Independence and Republic Day in Mauritius 12 Marc...
WAELE AFRICA Foundation Wishes to congratulate the government and people of Republ...
Journée internationale de la femme : thème 2024...
 La Journée internationale de la femme (JIF) est une célébration annuelle ...
International Women’s Day: 2024 Theme - 'Count H...
International Women’s Day (IWD) is an annual celebration of women's achievements...
Every year on March 4th, World Obesity Day encourages people across the globe to r...
International Day for Disarmament and Non-Prolifer...
The International Day for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Awareness seeks to pro...
Independence Day Of Morocco 2nd March 1956
When the Treaty of Fez was signed in 1912, Morocco became a French protectorate. B...
ZERO DISCRIMINATION DAYEvery year on March 1st, Zero Discrimination Day celebrates...
Empowering Women for a Brighter Future: WAELE AFRI...
As we embark on this new year, there is an urgent call for women to join forces an...
Independence Day of Gambia
WAELE AFRICA Foundation Wishes to congratulate the government and people of Republ...
World Radio Day 13 February
Radio: A century of information, entertainment and educationCelebrating radio's ri...