Between 1990 and 2017, women constituted only 2 per cent of mediators, 8 per cent of negotiators, and 5 per cent of witnesses and signatories in all major peace process .

Women’s participation in peace negotiations increases the durability and the quality of peace. A recent study investigating 82 peace agreements in 42 armed conflicts between 1989 and 2011 found that peace agreements with female signatories are associated with durable peace. Additionally, this study shows peace agreements signed by female delegates demonstrate higher implementation rate for agreement provisions.

Gender-sensitive language in peace agreements is critical to setting a foundation for gender-inclusion during the peacebuilding phase. Yet, data show a downward trend since 2015; only three out of 11 (27 per cent) peace agreements signed in 2017 containing gender-responsive provisions.

Insufficient attention has been paid to the implementation of gender provisions in peace agreements. Of peace agreements signed between 2000–2016, only seven per cent refer to specific modalities for implementation of gender provisions.

A trend analysis on 1,500 peace and political agreements adopted between 2000 and 2016 (140 processes) shows that only 25 agreements discuss the role of women’s engagement in implementation.

The Global Study on the Implementation of UN Security Council resolution 1325 put forward new evidence and a set of recommendation for action.

UN Women {Report}


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